is an easy way to create
Share and Like buttons for your website.

Modern design, most popular social networking websites,
mobile optimization, a ton of advanced features, clean code, and analytics!

Why choose
Easy-to-use social
buttons builder
You choose the desired social media
and their order using an intuitive
drag-and-drop builder.
button design
Elegant and customizable,
these buttons will seamlessly
match any website's design.
Fast load speed &
well-engineered code
Social buttons load independently of other scripts
on the website, which means the fastest speed.
Visually appealing
& engaging
You can create a floating social bar
that follows as you scroll,
as well as a fixed one positioned
at a specific place on your webpage.
Both are mobile friendly and collapsible.
Share & Like counters
Add social buttons to your website and we
will show you real figures on shares and likes,
not only from the moment of buttons installation,
but for the whole history of your website.
Want to know how often your website's
content is shared and how many visitors
have actually seen your social bar?
It's easy! You can view statistics
for each and every button set.
High-quality sharing
with uSocial
Want your website's content to be
shared correctly across social media?
Try out our META Data Builder!
Have difficulties setting it up?
Feel free to contact us for individual assistance.
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